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    There are several names for Britain: Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and the UK. The official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: large number of people call the country "England", but this is not correct. England is only one part of the UK. However, it is the (large) part in the UK. There are four "countries" in the UK—England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland. (be) an independent country, the Republic of Ireland (or Eire) isn't part of the. UK.

    London is the capital of the UK, as well as England, but all the other countries have their own smaller capital (city), too.

    Until 1603, Scotland and England were separate countries with their own monarchs (国王) and parliaments (国会). In that year, however, the English queen, Elizabeth I, (die). She had no children, so James Ⅵ, the King of Scotland, became King James I of England. In 1999, Scotland got its own parliament again, can make laws about some things.

    The English king, Edward I, conquered Wales in the 13th century. Many people in Wales, (special) in the north, speak Welsh as their first language and all children must learn Welsh at school. In some schools other subjects (teach) in Welsh, too.

    Elizabeth. Ⅰ's armies conquered Ireland in the 16th century and it later became part of the United Kingdom. There were a lot of problems in Ireland in the 19th century and thousands of people moved to the USA. In the 1920s, the south achieved (independent), but Northern Ireland is still part of the UK.
