组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Rescue in a Bottle

    Curtis Whitson had rafted down the Arroyo Seco, a river in central California, several times before.

    This year, CurtisWhitsonknew the water-fall was coming. He figured he would get out of his raft into the shallow water, get down the rocks along ropes on either side of thefalls, and continue on his way, as he had on a previous trip.

    But this year was different. Heavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into somethingfierce. And this year, instead of his friends, Whitson's companions were his girlfriend, Krystal Ramirez and his 13-year-old son, Hunter. As the three of them approached the falls late in, the afternoon of the third day of their camping trip, Whitson could tell from the increasing roar of water in the narrowing canyon (峡谷) that they were in serious trouble. There was no way they'd be able to get down the rocks as planned.

    "The water wasjustroaring through there with tremendous force," recalls Whitson, 45.

    They had no smart phone service, and they hadn't seen a single person in the past three days. And Whitson knew that they'd be sharing the ground there with rattlesnakes and mountainlions.

    As he was thinking what to do, Whitson hit on a bit of luck — he heard voices coming from the other side of the falls. Heyelled, but the sound of the rushing waterdrownedhim out.

    "We have to get these people amessage," Whitson thought.

    He grabbed a stick and pulled out his pocketknife to carve "Help" in it. Then he tied a rope to it so the people would know it wasn't just any stick. He tried throwing it over the falls, but it floated away in the wrong direction.

    "We've got to do something!" Whitson yelled to his son. "Have we got anything else?"

    Then he spotted his waterbottle. Whitson grabbed it and carved "Help!" on it. Ramirez also reminded him that he had a pen and paper in his backpack.

    Whitson knew it was a slim hope. But he wrote "6-15 19:00 We are stuck here@ the waterfall. Get help please" and pushed the note into the bottle. This time, his throw over the waterfall was perfect.

    "All right, that's all we can do," Whitson told Hunter.






Paragraph 1:

    It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where they'd had lunch.

Paragraph 2:

    The next morning, the helicopter returned.
