组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
补全短文 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项是多余的。

    How to communicate with others is important.

    First, choose a proper subject for your talk. For example, invite people to talk about their lives. Show an interest in hearing about a person's family, ideas, or goals. If a person seems uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject.

    Second, give feedback(反馈) on what the person is talking about. Wait patiently for your turn to talk. Show that you want to listen to what others are saying. Before expressing your opinion, repeat what you heard. Try to express what you heard in your own words. This shows that you were listening.

    Third, saying "Tell me more." is a great skill because it invites the other person to say more. If someone tells you that he's thinking of looking for a new job, you can simply reply by saying, "Tell me more." It shows people that you are truly interested in what they're going to say.

    Last, asking for advice shows that you value someone else's opinion. you can ask your friend if he or she likes your new jacket or ask a friend how you should solve a problem. Asking for advice can make others feel important.

A. People don't like to share their advice.

B. Good communication means you talk more.

C. People know more about their lives than other subjects.

D. Just listen to others'advice and keep quiet.

E. Here are some suggestions for you to use.

F. Be willing to listen to someone else's suggestion.

G. You can just nod your head or repeat the person's words in different ways.
