组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My father (work) in an office. There two large windows in it. One day, a woman in a (pass) car looks up and sees my father. My father waves his hands, the woman waves back. This gives my father an idea.

    Later, he changes his way of (greet) people. He writes signs, like "Hello" or "Be happy". Every afternoon when people go home from work, my father will greet them with the signs. Then they  (give)my father big smiles.

    The day when I came into the world, my father put a sign the window, "I'm a new father!" To his surprise, a sign  (hold) by some people, saying, "Congratulations!"

    My father learns the (true) in the saying, "You smile, and the whole world smiles with you." And he becomes first one who greets strangers with signs every day.
