组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    A dog was found swimming more than 220 kilometers off the coast of Thailand, and it has been returned safely to land.

    Late last week, workers on an oil 1 noticed the animal, all alone, in the water. It began to swim towards the side of the ship. The dog was able to get itself onto a solid area. It looked cold, 2 and scared. It barked at the workers but it was too weak to be heard. The workers lowered a rope around it and worked together to 3 the animal up to safety.

    The workers who saved the dog quickly gave their new friend a name: Boonrod. The name means something 4 to "survivor" in the Thai language.

    One of those workers was Vitisak. He kept on writing the stories of Boonrod on his home page. He said it was lucky that they noticed the dog in the 5. If there had been waves, he said, the animal likely would not have been seen.

    No one knows how Boonrod ended up all alone at sea, or 6 he had been out there. But Vitisak and others have suggested the animal might have fallen 7 a fishing boat.

    On Monday, Boonrod arrived at the Songkhla port (码头) in the southern Thai province. A team of animal doctors was waiting for him there. Local people also 8 the dog with neck rubs and a special necklace made of yellow flowers. Many people took pictures with the lucky dog.

    Vitisak wrote on his home page, "Today, ship and Boonrod arrived onshore at around 10 a.m. His health 9 has improved. He is getting a bit stronger and can smile."

    The dog is now under the care of an animal doctor. On Tuesday, the group published pictures of Boonrod getting washed—10 getting plenty of love and attention.

    Vitisak says that if the dog can't find its owner, he will take him with him to his home in northeast Thailand.
