组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A very new, young officer was at a railway station. He was on his way to visit his mother in 1 town. He wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train, 2 she could meet him at the 3 in her car. He looked at all his pockets, but 4 that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went on and looked 5 for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Can you change the money 6 me?"

    "Wait a moment," the soldier 7, and he began to put his hand in his 8 "I'll see whether I can help you."

    "Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young officer said angrily "Now let's 9 again, Can you change the money for me?"

    "No, sir," the old soldier answered 10.
