组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Sara looked out of the window and sighed, watching wind blow the trees. She didn't understand why her parents had to cancel (取消) the party. The storm was none of their business. They lived in a village far from the ocean.

    "Sweetie, we'll have your party next weekend," her mother said, "The guests live far from us, and it's dangerous for them to go out today."

    "My birthday is in this week." Sara turned on the television. But almost every station was talking about the storm. "I can't even watch my favourite shows. This storm isruiningeverything."

    Her mother sat down. "The storm is ruining many things. Look! Those people are trying to save their houses. Could you imagine if we lost our home?"

    Sara looked at the screen. She knew she'd be really worried if her family lost their home.

    "What's going to happen to those people?" Sara asked.

    Her mother said, "Usually when there's a big storm like. this, people raise. money and send things to the people who lost their homes."

    "What should I do?" Sara asked.

    Her mother pointed to the screen, "Call this number, and you will know what you can do for them."

    Sara nodded, "And maybe I could send my birthday money to them. Those people need it more than I do."

    Her mother smiled, "I'm really proud of you, Sara. Helping others is a great way to weather the storm (渡过难关).”
