组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In 1996, 1I-year-old Richie Stachowski went on a trip to Hawaii with his family. "I was surfing with my Dad. When we dove underwater, there were so many beautiful things to see. I wished we could talk underwater," said Stachowski. After finding out that there were no inventions for this kind of communication, Stachowski tried out prototypes (雏形) in the family pool. At last, he came up with an idea about the Water Talkie-- a thing that enables swimmers to talk each other underwater from as far as 15 feet away.

With the help of his Mom, Stachowski started a company called Short Stack LLC and went on to invent other pool toys. Then in 1999, the company was sold.

There are many young inventors like Stachowski in the world. They are hard-working and try to find solutions to problems. If you learn from them, you may be the next young inventor.
