组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Maybe there are many differences between going to school in Britain and going to school in your country. In Britain school starts between 8: 30 and 9: 00 and finishes at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It is a long day but there are no lessons on Saturdays. Children usually have lunch at school. School meals are not very expensive and are quite good. But some children don't like them and bring sandwiches or go home.

In Britain, school holidays are different from those in other countries. They are shorter at Christmas and Easter but much longer in the summer. The school year starts in the first week in September and ends in the third or fourth week of July.

Children start primary school when they are five years old. They stay there until they are 11. Then they usually go to a secondary school. Children cannot leave school before they are 16. At this age most students take public exams. Students who continue their studies go into the sixth form. If their school doesn't have a sixth form, they change schools or go to a college. Students need two years in the sixth form, and they take more public exams. In some parts of Britain, students go to middle school at the age of 8 and then go to secondary schools when they are 12 or 13.
