组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Reading is becoming more and more important language learning and is still the most effective activity to get information.

There are three possible ways to improve reading. The fastest is probably a speed reading class with good books and teachers. It is quite usual for a slow reader to increase two or three times his reading efficiency during a two-day class with a positive atmosphere, carefully picked texts and reading tests. However, this encouraging improvement oftenfadeswith time.

   A book about speed reading is the second method. Such a book usually gives speed and comprehension tests as well as ways to improve reading. It often has all kinds of methods to make you pay attention to or be interested in the text. All the methods need a lot of time as well as hard work from the reader.

Finally, a speed reading computer program is probably the most effective way to achieve top reading levels. Computers give special exercises to improve reading efficiency. Higher reading skills got with a computer screen can change to reading from paper. Unfortunately the inverse way does not work so well. Speed reading software gives enjoyable and fast reading training, thus giving the practice necessary to break long-time slow reading habits. This is the task that reading classes and speed reading books usually can't give to the reader.
