组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Zhong Nanshan is one of the most famous medicalscientistin the

21st century. All the Chinese respecther. Zhong was born into

a family of doctors in 1936. Hestudiesmedicine at Beijing University.

In 1971, he beganworkin Guangzhou. When he was 43, he got the

chance to study in England.Beforehe returned, he developed

intoaexcellent doctor in breathing problems.

SARS broke out in the spring of 2003. He took an active part in the battle against SARS.Final, he found a way to treat SARS.

In December, 2019, a terrible disease called COVID-19 (2019 冠状病毒)

broke out suddenly in Wuhan . It spreadsuchfast that he went there

at once. He and other experts advised the local government to take some practical action to stop COVID-19 from spreading, such asaskpeople to

stay at home. Day by day, the situation changes for thewell.
