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Troy(特洛伊) is a small city. The people of Troy have to fight the Greeks. One morning, the people of Troy wake up and find a huge wooden horse! It is standing outside the city gate. Some people come out to see the huge wooden horse.

"What's this? How does it get here? Where does it come from?"

A soldier(士兵) of Troy stands on its back and taps its body. It doesn't move. People think it is a big toy. So they open the gate and drag(HE) it into the city. The people come to see the horse. How big it is!" "I want to ride that horse." They don't see what is coming. There are men hiding inside the horse!

Late at night, the hidden(隐藏) door of the wooden horse opens! The men inside come out! It is a big surprise! The Greeks fool the people of Troy and win the fight, thanks to the wooden horse!
