组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

How to Become a More Positive Person

Everyone wants to be happy. We all wish to live fruitful, meaningful, and positive lives. Too often, our daily habits become self-defeating and lead to disappointing results which leave us unhappy and unfulfilled.

This leads to a general sense of negativity within us. The good news is that once you understand you're your magnificent mind works, you can take control of your thinking, your subconscious (潜意识的) program, and ultimately your results. You can build a beautiful life filled with joy, rewarding relationships, and experiences.

This all begins with six very powerful words: you become what you think about. Repetition of thought will eventually imprint on your subconscious hard drive. Once you master this process, you will be in the driver's seat.  Think positive thoughts, and you will automatically adopt positive behaviors. You will see and feel the effects almost immediately.

You must also surround yourself with enthusiastic and productive people, Let their positivity shine on you like a beacon(灯塔) of light. Avoid unnecessary contact with negative people from your past. When you do need to interact with them, limit the time you spend together.

Watch TV shows that are uplifting and inspirational. Avoid the news. I call it the bad news. Stay away from it as much as you can. Read positive books, articles, and magazines. Visit inspirational websites for motivation quotes and listen to educational podcasts that have real value in your life.

 Therefore, rid your life as completely as possible of mental junk food, It has been said that you become the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. I believe that's true. Choose your friends and associates carefully. Stand guard at the gateway to your precious mind. Avoid pessimists (悲观主义者).They will pollute your thinking and destroy your chances to be your best self.

A. You will be in control.

B. It's poison for your mind.

C. It occurs without our knowledge.

D. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case.

E. Avoiding contacting too much is important.

F. The vast majority of our behavior is habitual.

G. Remember you become what you think about.
