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In 1901, an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood. He named them A、B、AB and O. People have one of these four types. Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the second most common, and blood type AB is the least common.

    In 1927, a Japanese doctor found that people with different blood types have different personalities (性格),too. He said that people with type A blood are usually calm and serious; people with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing; people with type O blood are generous and honest; while those with type AB blood are often caring and talented.

    More recently, a doctor in the United States wrote a book that connects blood types with what people eat. The book suggests people with type O blood should eat more meat and less bread. A diet for people with type A blood includes more vegetables. His book,Eat Right for Your Type,has been a hit with people who want to lose weight. However, Dr. Peter D' Adamo believes that eating food that matches a person's blood type will make the person healthier in other ways, too.


People with different  have different personalities.

Type A

1). People are calm and serious.

2). People should eat .

Type B

People are cheerful and outgoing.

1). It is the least common type.

2). People are caring and talented.

Type O

1). People are .

2). People should eat more meat and less bread.

If people eat food that matches a person's blood type, they will .
