组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

There was a class of students who were very unruly. None of the teachers wanted to teach them. So the principal (校长) called a teacher who had just quit her job (辞职) at a different school. He asked her if she would like to come in and teach at the school for one semester. She agreed.

The principal decided not to tell the teacher about the class, afraid that she would be scared off(吓跑). After the new teacher had been on the job for a month, the principal sat in on the class to see how things were going. To his surprise, the students were well-behaved (表现良好的). After the class, the principal praised the teacher for her work. She thanked him for giving her such a well-behaved class to teach. But the principal said he really didn't deserve (值得) any thanks.

She laughed and told him, "You see, I discovered your secret on my first day here. I looked in the desk drawer and found a list of the students' IQ scores. I knew that I had a challenging (有挑战性的) group of kids here − they're so smart that I would have to work really hard to make school interesting for them."

She opened the drawer and the principal saw a list with the students' names and the numbers 136, 145, 127, 128, and so on written next to the names.

The principal laughed. Those weren't their IQ scores, but their locker (储物柜) numbers!
