组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Mr. Know-All,

I love singing. Everyone says I sing (beautiful), and I really want to be a star. Are there  good ways to become a star? I'm only 14.

Dear future star,

In fact, you have lots of time to be a star. Spend more time (practice) singing, and you will sing better and better.

It's a good idea to use the Internet to show your talents. For example, you can (prepare) for a video of your singing, and then put it online. If you are really (talent), someone will find out that. Because lots of people  (become) stars that way in the past. You can try out for talent show  Chinese Idol. And you can also join in a singing (compete). Remember to always show (good) of yourself to others.

You can also try to play roles in TV shows. Some kid networks are looking for the next child stars. These stars can become singers,(actor) or hosts.

Hope the answers can help you. Good luck!
