组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I was born to my parents after 14 years of their marriage. At the age of 4, I 1 to another city with my aunt for my education. I was always 2my parents. I always felt bad about it and I got a 3that my parents don't love me. But when I was in Grade Six, my father got a 4health problem. We were at the hospital and my mum told me that Dad wanted to 5with me. I came near him and he told me that I was the best thing in his life, and he always loved me. I then 6the room and cried. I remembered many things that Dad had done for me.

One day, I 7Dad and cried that I wanted to see him. It was 9:00 p.m. and soon I fell asleep. He came at 12 o'clock at 8to see me. After Dad's health problem, everything changed and we didn't have enough 9. But Dad still made me study in the prestigious school(名校). Later, I realized that he had done everything he could for me,10 I did nothing for him.

My dad encourages me, loves me and 11me. He helped me whenever I was in trouble. He became my 12. I should give him all the happiness in the world. But there are many children like me who don't 13their parents. In fact, whatever they do, they do for the good of their children. They think 14of us than of themselves. Please give them some 15and care about them, and they will be the happiest people.

Friends! You're the world of your parents…so understand now or it will become too late.
