组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Every morning, my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every day, I open my books in class and start my lessons. Every evening, my mother reads magazines at home. And every night, I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on the wall in my bedroom before I go to sleep. Can you imagine the life without paper or printing?

Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China. After it was invented, People started to write on paper to make books. In those days, books were only produced by hand. So there were not many books, and they were expensive. Only a few people had the chance to read books.

Printing was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (朝代). The development of printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply. More and more people can read books. Knowledge and ideas spread (传播) faster than before.

The Internet was created in the twentieth century. Although the Internet is still young, it is growing very fast and becomes powerful. A much larger amount of information can be stored in different forms on the Internet. We can find it much more easily than that in books.

Nowadays computers and the Internet are used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can be also read online. Will there be paper and printing in the future? Let's wait and see.
