组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you plan your school holidays? If not, I hope this guide will help you. Here are a few suggestions on how to spend your school holidays well.

Traveling - relax and refresh your mind and soul (心灵)

Travel to some interesting places. Traveling locally or to foreign countries will certainly relax and refresh your mind and soul. Mountains and beaches are good places for you to take a holiday.

Doing a part-time job get some working experience

Work part-time, and you can get not only money but also some working experience. The working experience will be good for future jobs. For me, I have some experience in working as a waiter in a five-star hotel.

Taking courses (课程) or going to a camp (露营) - improve yourself

There are some interesting courses to choose from, specially designed for students during school holiday, such as computer courses, English courses and driving courses. These courses are necessary if you want to learn some new skills. And you can also go to a camp to improve yourself and extend (拓宽) your social circle (社交圈).

Information Card

How many suggestions on how to spend holidays in the passage

What are good places for students to take a holiday

What will the working experience be good for

What do the students learn if they take courses during school holidays

What does the writer also advise students to do to improve themselves and extend their social circle
