组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
仔细阅读下面各题,将以下每段的主旨句(A至F)与其相对应的段落匹配。    Everyone has parents. But not all of you can get on with parents. Well, how to solve this problem? Here is some useful advice.


    Parents bring you to the world and care about you all the time. They really do their most and best for you, so you should try not to make them sad or angry and be polite to them.


    You may choose whatever you can do. For example, doing the dishes, taking out the rubbish or cleaning the room. In fact, when you help them at home, you'll learn how to look after yourself in the future.


    Have a talk with them about their work when they come back. Try to make them happy when they are sad in life. Remind(提醒) them to wear warmer clothes in cold days.


    In some ways, most parents wish their kids can be the top at school and get a better future. You should try to learn hard and get on well with classmates and teachers so that they don't have to worry about you.


    Don't always think of online games in your free time. If possible, you can stay with your parents. When shopping, buy something for your parents. On weekends, take a short trip with them. For parents and you, staying with each other is great.

A. Care for(关爱) parents.

B. Sleep with parents sometimes.

C. Spend some time with parents.

D. Learn to respect(尊敬) parents.

E. Try to be best at school.

F. Help to do some housework.
