组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    One's education starts from family, especially from his or her mother. Here is a story that happened 1 I was very young.

    One Saturday morning, I was watching TV in the living room with my two brothers. My mum 2 several apples of different colors and sizes. She put all the apples on the table, then 3 me and my younger brothers, "Which do you like?"4 my younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one. Before I 5 say "The biggest one", one of my brothers stood up and said what I wanted to say.

    My mum 6 the biggest apple and said to us, "It is good to get the biggest apple. Many people want the best thing, but 7 really get it. Now let's start a 8. Look at the lawn (草坪) in front of our 9. I'll divide it into three parts. Each of you must finish pruning 10 own part. The best and quickest one will be 11 the biggest apple." I won the apple finally.

    Since then, I have learned to try my best to succeed whenever I get a chance. I work 12 to get what I want. That was what my mother advised me to do. I feel very thankful to my mum because she taught me a very basic but the most 13 lesson. It is quite fair that we can get what we want 14 competing. My mother kept teaching us in this way and we followed her 15 all the time.

    I do believe that mother is the first teacher of children, who can teach them to be a No.1 pursuing person.
