组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

English is an excellent language to learn, whether it's for business, travel or personal reasons. Here are some(建议) on how to improve your spoken English. Speak a little English aloud every day. Speaking English with another person is the(秘密) to improving your spoken English in a fast way. Find a native English (搭档)who is glad to spend some time speaking English with you. In a short time, you'll find that your speaking speed has become faster and your vocabulary has(增加) a lot. If you go to an English–speaking country, you can practice by taking an(积极的)part in starting simple conversations with the people you meet. It's very useful to improve your spoken English by(重复) their words. Pay attention to the sounds that you are unfamiliar with. For example, some people have difficulty(发音) the "r" sound. You'd better connect all the right sound with the word. Find a suitable English (课程) online. It's very(方便) to follow a teacher online and they will help you spell the new words(正确地).
