组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

My family often go shopping at the weekend. We all like shopping very much. Today my father drove my mother and me to the supermarket. We wanted to buy some fruits and vegetables. At first, we went to buy some fruits. We bought some bananas for my father. My mother likes apples, because she thinks apples can make her beautiful. So we bought some red apples for her. I like pears. But today pears were sold out (售完), so I had to choose another kind of fruit. Oranges looked good, so I bought some oranges. Next, we went to buy fresh vegetables. We bought some broccoli, tomatoes and carrots. I don't like carrots, but my parents said they were good for my eyes. After shopping, it was time for lunch. We had lunch nearby. And then we went back home.
