组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My older brother and I once decided to work during the summer tree-planting activity. And we thought it would be great to be in the sun and get some 1air.

When 2arrived for our first day of work, the manager looked at us and said, " Did you read the3you got about how to dress?" "We had not 4 taken the time to read them carefully. "we answered. "Well, boys, you're wearing T-shirts". "Do you know who loves T-shirts?" he asked.

"Not really", we answered.

" Mosquitoes (蚊子)!" he replied 5 a smile. "But you won't even feel the mosquitoes. Because you'll be so busy getting bitten by blackflies (黑蝇) that you won't even notice the mosquitoes! " We 6and saw that the other workers were wearing long shirts and hats.

A couple of the other workers came over to us and gave us their other shirts and hats, but we still didn't have long pants to protect our 7 from the biting insects.

It was the 8 day of my life. When we got home that night, my legs were9 in big red bites. My brother's legs were bitten too.

Now when I hear the buzz (嗡嗡声) of a blackfly, I think of that terrible day. It reminds me of the great lesson I 10 that day一always read the instructions!
