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Did you know that most humans are able to recognize about 1,000,000 different colors? Well, some people can't recognize this many because of colorblindness. If someone is colorblind, that means he can't see as many colors as others – or, in rare cases, can't see colors at all.

Thankfully, special glasses have already been made to help fix some types of colorblindness. Now, according to a recent research, scientists have brought this solution one step further. Karepov and Ellenbogen, engineers from Israel have found a way to apply this techno logy to contact lenses (隐形眼镜). This method is so creative because it can solve many different kinds of visual (视力的) problems.

People are able to see color because of how the eye is structured. At the back of our eyes, there're three different kinds of cells that absorb (吸收) light waves. When light waves are absorbed, the cells send a message to the brain for the image to be processed.

If something is wrong with these cells, this can cause problems when the brain processes the image. One of the most common types of colorblindness is red-green colorblindness. People who have this specific type of visual imperfection have difficulty telling apart the colors red and green.

"It would influence simple daily routines such as telling the colors of traffic lights," Karepov explained. He also stressed the importance of using this finding to create special contact lenses instead of relying on color-correcting glasses.

Whether you prefer to wear glasses or contacts, it's nice to know that people who are colorblind will soon be able to choose between the two, as well.
