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    Have you ever dreamed of using magic to change the world,like making another New York City1your mind?The movie Doctor Strange(《奇异博士》)might show you2it is like!It appeared in Chinese3on 4th November last year.British actor Benedict Cumberbatch plays the role of(扮演……角色)Doctor Strange.

    Doctor Strange was a proud doctor.However,his hands were4hurt in a car accident and it made him unable to work using hands.To save his5, Doctor Strange travelled around the world and met Ancient One,a magician(魔术师).

    Ancient One6him the mystic arts(魔术).Doctor Strange then learned new ways to help7save other people's lives as a doctor.But not all of Ancient One's students were good people.His another8Kaecilius was a very bad man and tried to do terrible things to the earth.Doctor Strange tried to9him and luckily,he made it at last!

    Doctor Strange could travel anywhere in seconds10go through different worlds.Doctor Strange might be one of the most popular movies last year.
