组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Today is a wonderful day to think about the year going by, the success you achieved, the things that did not go so well and the things you want to do. To help you make this year your best ever, take a few moments to think about these five suggestions.

Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and make a schedule. Imagine what you want to finish. See it in your mind. Write down your goals, and never doubt that you will be successful.

Find positive factors.Stay away from the dream stealers, who would bring you down. Be enthusiastic.Make decisions to improve your life. Let the world see and hear it and let everyone feel it.

Spend quality time.Rise early and spend some quality time on your work or reading. Value not only the time you spend by yourself, but also the time you spend with your loved ones.

Say thank you to the people who have helped you. Call up a friend or loved one and tell him how much he means to you.Acts of appreciation cost nothing hut mean everything. Remember they will never forget how you make them feel in their hearts.

A. Show enthusiasm in everything you do.

B. Have a plan for your action.

C. Spend quality time with your loved ones.

D. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people.

E. Show people you appreciate and care about them.

F. Let it show in your body language, your smile and your voice.

G. Life is so dear, so make the most of every day.
