组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I had to get up at six o'clock every morning and ride my bike five miles to school. In winter, it was very cold, but I didn't mind. I liked to exercise. We wore uniforms to school, not like Canadian kids today. Some of the girls liked their school uniforms, We had to wear ugly straw (草) hats!

    Our school wasn't in a very good place. Sometimes it was difficult to hear the teacher because of all the trains outside. The school was small, too, and the classrooms were very crowded. There were usually forty or fifty students in every class. There was no TV at that time, I remember our geography textbook had beautiful photos faraway places like India, China and Africa. Geography was really interesting for kids in those days.

    Families were poor because it was the time of the Great Depression (萧条期). I wore my elder brother's old uniform. My shoes had holes where you could see my feet. It was terrible.

    I loved to play baseball and ice hockey (冰球) after class. But we played ice hockey on frozen ponds (结冰的池塘). Not inside like the kids today.

A. It was next to a train station.

B. and in summer it was very hot.

C. We were poor but we still had fun.

D. but the uniforms for boys looked strange.

E. so we didn't know a lot about the world.
