组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My name is Paul.Last summer.I worked as a volunteer(志愿者)in a hospital.I was asked to help the patients(病人)who were going to leave hospital.My job was to help them leave hospital in a shorter time.One day,someone called me to a ward(病房).When I came into the ward.I saw an old woman.She told me she wasn't ready to leave.She wanted to go to me gift shop.I got a wheelchair(轮椅)and took her to the gift shop.

We got to the gift shop at 8:00 am.It was not open yet.After a 30-minute wait,we went into the shop.The old woman was happy to be out of her ward.At first,she chose some books,and then she saw chocolates. She asked me to help her look through all the chocolates.Finally,she decided to buy three different boxes.

    As she was paying for everything,she asked the cashier(收银员)for a pen,and then turned to me.She told me to write some words on the boxes.She said that the nurses were taking good care of her,so she wanted to buy some chocolates for them.Later,I took her back to the hospital.As we gave the nurses chocolates,they all felt surprised and shared their chocolates with me.

    I got on well with everyone in the hospital.And there were smiles all around.To see the kindness between people was a gift for me,and for everyone.

