组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hi, Mike,

    I had a great vacation! I stayed with my uncle in the countryside. He lives in a small village and it is wonderful. My uncle is a farmer and he works very hard every day. (A)He showed me around his farm and village.Everyone in the village was really friendly!

    On my first day there, (B)我叔叔教我怎样骑马。The horse was really big and we rode through the forest. It was wonderful! On the second day, we climbed a mountain and saw quite a few animals. It was so special, but the weather was very terrible. It was wet and rainy at the top.

    I didn't take many photos of the mountains because of the weather. But I did take photos of the lake we visited. (C)My brother came to stay with my uncle, too.But he slept a lot and didn't go out. He was bored, of course.

    What did you do on vacation? Where did you go? Did you have fun?

See you soon.

