组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

English Activities is a free website for English learners. All adults and children can learn English here. There are English lessons, English games and English tests to help you learn English for fun.

Simple lessons

Start your visit to English Activities with the lesson for your chosen topic. Each of our 100+English lessons includes an introduction to the topic language and three lessons activities- a yes/ no activity, an either /or activity and a multiply(多项的) choice activity.

Exciting games

There are nine free games you can use to practise the English topic you are learning. The games are quick and simple to play. They can help improve language retention(记忆力) by exercising different areas of the brain. Try different games for the best results.

English tests

Complete your topic learning by taking our two tests- a multiple choice test and a writing test. They'll make sure that you have fully understood and are able to learn well by taking the lessons and playing the games.
