组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"See you at Open House tonight, Amy," Evelyn shouted from the school bus.

"Don't forget to ask your mom if I can come over tomorrow!"

"OK!" I called back. I wished 1 could feel excited about my first Open House at my new school, but I was1. What will other kids say when they find out my parents can't hear? Would Evelyn still like to visit my home2she knows that?

Dad drove us to school at night. As we walked down the hallway to the3 , my mother stopped in front of the bulletin board "Look at Amy's picture!" Mom said4. She always does that when she's excited because she can't hear5Some older kids turned to look at us for a while and I wanted to6in the corner.

Then I led my parents into my classroom and7, and I didn't see Evelyn. Ms Jennings walked towards us. I8my parents to her and told her that they were deaf*. Then I helped Ms Jennings explain9she said to my parents with sign language*.

During our10conversation, some of my classmates were watching us and speaking quietly. Then I noticed Evelyn and her mom standing by the door.

"You can talk to them with your11? That's so cool!" she came over and said to me.

"You think so?" I was not12of her words.

Evelyn13. "It's like a secret code*.Would you teach me some words sometime?"

I smiled. "Of course."

"A woman in my dad's apartment building uses sign," she said. "maybe I can give her a14with such a special greeting next time I visit my dad".

"Your dad doesn't live with you?" I said.

"My parents have got separated for many years."

"Oh, L... I'd been so worried about my family being different from everyone else's that I had15thought about Evelyn's family. "Hey, if you come over tomorrow, we can practice some sign language then."
