组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
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    Hello, I'm Lucy Look at the map of our neighborhood. The bank is next to my house. The school is next to the bank. There's a library on No. 3 Street, not far from my home. I enjoy reading there.

    Where is the hospital? Can you find it? It's on No. 2 Street. When I get sick (生病), the doctors can heal me.

    There is also a big supermarket in our neighborhood. I can buy a lot of things there. It's across from the bank and my house. But the post office is far from my home. If I want to post a letter, I have to go along First Avenue and turn right at the turning. Go along No. 1 Street and turn right again, and the post office is on my left.

    It's a good place to have fun. Welcome to my neighborhood!
