组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Sometimes in life, a small event can make us realize that kindness still rules the world— and I had an opportunity to 1 the kindness of people from a strong and total stranger: a 2 named Afolabi.

In October 2007, I was working as a sales manager in Lagos. One night when Afolabi was returning me to my house, the car broke down. Afolabi 3 to pull over the taxi and went off to find a mechanic (机械工). As soon as he left, at least 7 to 8 local boys 4suddenly from the deep dark of the night and surrounded our car, 5me to hand over whatever money I had.

To my relief, Afolabi returned in time. For start, he tried to quietly 6 with them. When that didn't 7 , he raised his voice and showed that he was 8 for a fist fight. His 9 actions and muscular frame finally forced the boys to abandon their 10and they ran away into the same darkness from where they came.

Afolabi needn't have done that. In the darkness of the night. people will not 11take risks to save their own possessions. The boys could have been carrying weapons with them, but this loyal driver did not 12any "it's" or "buts". His main 13was to save me from getting robbed.

Though it has passed many years, those few moments are enough to register the driver's 14into the deepest corner of my heart.

15off to Afolabi? The loyal driver who helped me.
