组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The goal of World Wide Fund (WWF) is to save the world's environment. The organization was set up1April 29, 1961. In the beginning, WWF worked2the world's wildlife. Now, it works to save the Earth3its environment.

    WWF has many tasks. One is to stop air pollution. Pollution from industry (工业) and cars is4to our environment. Each year, more and more trees are cut down,5WWF tries to protect Earth's forests. Also WWF is interested in saving all plants and animals. As people use more land, more and more animals6their homes and many die. WWF can buy important areas7the land from disappearing because of humans' development.

    WWF has many projects. In China, WWF works to save pandas from extinction (灭绝).8South America, it works to save the Amazon rainforest.

    Volunteers and donations help WWF complete its work. WWF's work is9to our environment, and it is also important for people to help it10time and money.
