组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Writing a poem is all about observing the world around you. In fact, you can write anything that you like. Most people choose love as their topic; some people choose people as their topic; some people even choose the gate of the old farm as their topic.

    If you are interested in writing poems but don't know how to write, you can read or listen to poems first. It is almost certain that poets improve their skills by reading or listening to good poems.

    A poem may be born at any time. That's what's usually called inspiration (灵感). Once you have the beginning, you simply need to build the rest of the poem around it. At other times, you may want to write about a thing or an idea. Write down all the words and phrases that come to your mind when you think of that idea. Allow yourself to put all your ideas into words. It may sound difficult, but do not be afraid to express your feelings.

    Feelings make poems, and if you lie about your feelings, it can be easily known in the poem. It's said that a novel is “words in the best order”, while a poem is “the best words in the best order”. Think of the words you use. Some words will fit together perfectly but some won't, so choose your words carefully. You should use only those words that are necessary.
