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    Trees are an important part of the Earth.They provide wood for buildings and things for making paper. They provide homesfor all kinds of insects, birds and other animals. For example, many birds livein trees. Many kinds of fruits come from trees, such as apples, oranges, pearsand peaches.

    Trees also help keep our air clean and ourecosystemshealthy. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out harmful gases. However, treesbreathe in harmful gases and breathe out oxygen. And trees can help other plantsgrow because they can hold the soil. Trees keep the soil from being blown away,so plants can fight against strong winds.

    Trees do much for us, our environment,other plants and animals, but we don't just love trees forthat. Treescan also be very beautiful—tall enough to touch the sky and so big around thatwe can't even hug them. So we should stop cutting down trees and enjoy thebeauty of them.




2016-2022 组卷题库