组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hello, everyone! My name is Gina. I have a sister. Her name is Rose. Rose is a scientist (科学家) and she studies stars. She likes her job (工作) because she thinks it's very interesting.

Rose is very busy. But she finds time to go to the beach (沙滩) every week. She meets her friends there and they play volleyball. She's good at playing volleyball. She also likes playing football, but she can't play it well.

Rose shares (合用) a house with one of her friends, Madison. Madison dances well. She works in a big hospital and she's often at work in the evening. She thinks it's OK because she loves to help people. When Madison works in the evening, Rose sometimes makes chicken for her. That's Madison's favorite. Rose can make salad, hamburgers and fish too.
