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Travel sets us thinking and makes us in discussions of big world problems. If our thinking skills drop, they will have to wait until we're done traveling. What follows is how we travel.

Cheap Travel

The less you spend, the closer you come to the reason you came.

We try to spend less in traveling, although we have money to stay in middle-priced hotels and eat in their restaurants if we cut back on the length(长度) of our trips. By spending less we can travel longer and travel better. We meet more locals by using buses rather than taxis and by staying in small family-run hotels and eating in local-style coffee shops. Spending too much money can't help you to know more about the foreign experience you came to have.

Travelers—Not tourists

What is the difference? Travelers are more likely to get deeper into the life of a country than tourists. The way to do this is to do lots of reading before trips about the countries we will visit, and try to learn a few words of local languages.

Independent travel is usually far less expensive than packaged tours. We don't use travel agents because we don't

stay in hotels that charge(费用) high, and we can get cheaper tickets on the Internet. We like finding out where to eat and working out how to get around. This puts us into direct touch with the local people. Independent travel isn't as comfortable or convenient, but it' s the most meaningful way to travel.

Moving around

Although it is not comfortable and convenient, we take public transportation whenever possible. Traveling in a car is easier, but also scarier. In much of the world roads are poor and driving behaviors are not fixed. Luckily, even the less developed countries often have good public transportation system: riding buses and trains brings us into closer touch with the local people.

Carrying things

Backpacks work better for long-term travel than the wheeled luggage(轮式行李) most middle-aged travelers use. Using the luggage is fine with a car, but backpacks are easier for bus and train travel. Best of all, wearing backpacks bridges the gaps(缩小差距) between age groups一allowing elder travelers like us to make friends with young travelers.


Why to travel

Travel can make us think and discuss big world problems.

How to travel

Cheap travel

We choose to spend less in traveling so that we can travel for a , and know more about the foreign experience you came to have.

Being travelers

Travelers can get a better  of the life of a country.

We need to make some preparations in advance if we want to be .

Although packaged tours are comfortable and convenient, independent travel can be more meaningful.

Moving around

 allows us to communicate with locals closely.

Carrying things

We often use backpack for long time travel  than the wheeled luggage because they are easier to carry and can bridge the gaps between age groups.
