组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Have you noticed that many of the clothes on the high street look the same these days? So how do young people manage to express their own style? We interviewed some people in different parts of the UK.

    "Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their personality through clothes.  They like to add some accessories(配件)on their clothes. Punks added zippers and safety pins(别针),and skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers. You don't need money— you need be imaginative. "said Alexi, an art student.

    Printing your own T-shirt is the easiest and most common way to customize(定制) clothes. You don't have to make a T-shirt. You can buy a cheap one and add some pictures of your choice.

    "I used to make customized, colorful T-shirts for my friends using cloth paints.  They looked a bit messy but sort of col. A couple of years ago, my mate Simon made one with a picture of Spider-Man. He still wears it in fact. It looks great," said John, 25.

Everyone knows that students don't have a lot of money. That doesn't have to be a problem if you have the ability to have new and exciting ideas.

    "I used to make clothes sometimes when I was a student. Once I found a pair of trousers in a shop that I really liked, but I couldn't afford them. I drew a picture of it in a notebook, then I bought some cloth in the same color and copied the trousers using my mum's sewing machine (缝纫机). I loved it when people didn't believe I had made them myself," said Corrine, 31.

    Second— hand or "vintage" clothes are very popular among young people. They consider them as a symbol of fashion.

    "Sometimes a little change of my own old clothes makes a difference, because I know that they will fit and they'll look good. I like to go shopping in second— hand shops for jackets, trousers and dresses. You can be sure you will always have something original (原始的) as well as cheap. " said Helen, 26.

Purpose: to wearing the same clothes on the streets

Customizing clothes



adding accessories

●Punks add zippers and safety pins.

●Skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers

printing some pictures

 cloth paints to make customized, colorful T— shirts.

making by themselves

Makeclothes they like but can't afford on their own.

 old clothes

●Second— hand or "vintage" clothes are very popular.

●A small change of their own old clothes makes a difference.

Conclusion: can help young people to express themselves with customized clothes.
