组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

My friend, Audrey, was a wonderful talker. When another person told a story, she would take 1 of the first empty space by saying, "That2  me of something that happened to me. " Then she would3 to tell a longer, even more dramatic(戏剧性的) story about her experiences. She was always praised for her gift for 4, which made it hard for her to realize the gift of5 could be even more important than the ability to speak skillfully.

She carried on with this6, uncorrected, into adulthood. Then a turning point came during one of her dinner parties. A guest named Stanley was7about his daughter's disease. 8 Stanley opened his mouth to answer, Audrey said, "I know exactly about it" and turned the9 to her own experience with a similar health problem.

She had spoken for a minute or two when Stanley suddenly began10. He offered a simple 11 to his hostess:" I'm sorry, Audrey. I didn't mean to12, but I just can't listen now because I'm too13 about my daughter. "

Of course, Stanley had no reason to apologize and Audrey 14 that. For the first time, she realized she was too insensitive. This15 experience led her to do self﹣observation.

Audrey decided to16 listening. When together with friends, she tried to only listen. When asked about herself, she answered17, without detailed explanation. When speaking, she said with more18. It just made her realize she was an ordinary person and that being ordinary was not a(n) 19 thing. It was just about being herself.

Perhaps our courage to20 our ordinariness is one of the keys to happiness in our valued relationship.
