组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

At ten years old, I borrowed a book from the library that had the word "crime" in the title. My mother did not notice this book among my large number of books until I began reading it. The book was confiscated (没收), and we went back to the library. I remember how embarrassed I was as my mother explained that I needed reading material that was different from the book that we had just returned.

The librarian on duty looked down at me, smiling, walked from behind the counter, and gestured to me to follow. We crossed the hallway to the adult fiction section. "Here you are," she said. "It's called I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith, the same author who wrote The Hundred and One Dalmatians." I felt far too old for dog stories. "It's very different from The Hundred and One Dalmatians, though," she said, noticing my disappointment.

I tried to accept that she was right. But I was doubtful. I mean, the title alone was strange. But I still took the book home. I curled up on our window seat, and started reading. To my surprise, I was completely attracted and it spurred (激起)my writing dream.

Two weeks ago, I drove two and a half hours to meet my mother for a Christmas lunch in a tea shop in my old hometown. I had just finished a cup of coffee in the tea shop when I looked up and saw the librarian, who had changed my life. Sixteen years had passed, but for a moment time stood still. I moved toward her- all knees and elbows and energy-and blurted (脱口而出) , "You work at the library! You once showed me I Capture the Castle! I'm a writer now! That's still my favorite book!"

The woman stopped and smiled kindly. But then she tipped her head. I realized that dementaa (痴呆)or something like it had kept her from understanding me. A woman who was probably her sister took her by the elbow and led her gently away. As I watched her go, I wondered how many lives we change without realizing what we do is meaningful. All that woman had really done was lend me a book, but it had captured my world.
