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    Forcenturies, people around the world have invented many sports. It's no surprisethat more and more unusual sports have appeared.


    Every twoyears, there is a strange but fun competition—Human Towers in Spain. The first prize goes to thehighest tower. In 2015, a group of players from China and Spain set a worldrecord: a nine-person-high human tower. In this exciting event, any visitor canhold out his arms with the local people and cheer together.

    CheeseRolling Championships (锦标赛)

    CheeseRolling Championships take place in May every year in Britain. It is atraditional sport with the strongest smell in the world. Hundreds of peoplewatch it on Cooper's Hill. In the game, a cheese wheel of 3.2~4.1 kg runsquickly down the hill. All the players run after it, trying to catch it withoutfalling. However, most fail and get pains all over.

    Outhouse (屋外厕所) Racing

    OuthouseRacing has its own World Championship. It is in October in Virginia, America.Every team tries to push or pull their homemade outhouse along the street to bethe first. You can see all kinds of unusual outhouses in the street. Each musthave four sides, a toilet seat and toilet paper.




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