组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    James is a middle school student. He isn't happy today, because it's really a(n) 1day for him.

    In the morning, his clock doesn't work,2he gets up late. James runs quickly to school, but he is still (还是) 3for class. In the hallway, James meets his teacher Ms. Miller. Ms. Miller tells him, "Don't run in the hallway and remember to4at school on time. " After the first class, James is hungry (饥饿的) and eats 5in the classroom. Ms. Miller sees and says, "Don't eat in the classroom. " After the second class, James finds he doesn't bring his notebook to school. He takes out his cell phone (手机)and makes a 6to his mother. Ms. Miller says, "Don't7 your cell phone to school. " When James gets home at 5 p. m. , his best friend Peter asks him to play 8. But his mother tells him, "You have to do homework 9playing."

    "Why are there so many strict 10?" James thinks. He doesn't want to follow them sometimes. But his parents and teachers think rules are important. They can help him be good.
