组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Today is Sunday and the eight­year­old Mona is in the 1 with her mom. Mona looks at her favorite animal, the giraffe, and says, "Look, Mom! How cute she is!"

    "Yeah! I like her, too. She's so 2," says Mom.

    "Mom, can I feed (喂) my apple to 3?" asks Mona. She takes out an apple from her bag. But Mom 4 her and says, "Dear, I know the giraffe is your favorite animal,5you can't feed her. "

    Mona doesn't know 6. She says, "Mom, the apple is my favorite fruit and I want my favorite animal to 7it. Am I wrong?"

    "Dear, it's not 8to feed our food to the animal," Mom says. "She might (可能) be in 9. "

    "Oh, what? I don't want to do that," Mona says. "But…"

    "Well, let's10 some grass (草) over there. It's good for her. "

    "OK. " Mona says happily.
