组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Jack 1in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板) says to him, "Jack, I want you 2to London, to an office there, and to see Mr Brown. Here is the 3. You won't get 4with it." Jack takes the 5to London . He leaves the train station and thinks, "The office is not far 6the station. I can find it 7."

    But after an hour, he is still looking for the office. So he asks an old woman. She says, "Just go along the street,8 left at the end, and it's the second building on the right. " Jack 9her. With the old woman's help, he gets to the office very soon. He is very 10.

    Some days later he goes to the same city,11 again he can't find the 12So he asks someone on the 13. It is the 14woman! She is very 15and says, "Are you still looking for that place? "
