组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
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    Julie is a cute girl with big eyes and straight blonde hair. She lives in New York with her mother.

    It is a Sunday. Julie is playing with her friend, Becky, in the living room. Julie's mother wants to get some fruit for them. She falls down(突然倒下) on the way to the kitchen. Julie finds her mother can't move or speak. She soon calls 911.

    When Julie is waiting for help, she does CPR(心肺复苏) on her mother with Becky. Soon the doctors come and take Julie's mother to the hospital. Her mother gets her life back.

    Julie is only eight years old. How does she know CPR? Julie says, "My mother and I watch a TV show every Saturday and I learn it from the show. The show tells many stories about doctors. I really like that show. I want to be a doctor when I grow up."

    Julie's mother thanks her daughter for calling 911 and doing CPR on her. She may also need to thank the TV show.
