组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    As a child' I loved to visit my grandfather's farm. There was always something new to do, to see and to enjoy. My grandfather was always there to be my friend.

    One year' I went to Grandfather's to celebrate my1 with my brothers and sisters. They all liked eating strawberries. When they went to2them, I liked to go too. But I didn't like working on the farm, so I always took the3basket. While the others were picking, I just4under the trees.

    One day, I put a lot of grass in my5. And then I put some strawberries on the top of it, the basket looked full (满的) and it seemed(似乎) that I had6strawberries. My grandfather just smiled without saying anything.

    The next morning, my grandmother made a cake for my birthday. It was a big cake with some strawberries on it. It looked7! But when I began to eat it' I found nothing but8 under the strawberries. You can imagine how surprised I was.

    My9looked at me with a smile. "When you cheat (欺骗) others, you cheat yourself'"

he said. My grandfather and grandmother taught me a good lesson wih the grass.

    I10many things at my grandfather's farm. For me' the experiences made me a better man.
