组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A long time ago, there lived a very wise King. He was so wise that he knew the ways of almost everything.

    One day, a tiny bee lost her way, and flew into the King's beautiful palace. The little bee begged the King, "Please, let me live' and I will offer you help some other day. "

    The King was amused(被逗乐的)to think a tiny bee could one day help a powerful king like him. He let the bee go and said, "Go, be on your way' for I need nothing more from you today. "

    Many days later, a queen was coming to visit from a far—away land.

    "I hear you are wise," the queen said to the king, "Would you be willing to put your intelligence to a test?"

    The King agreed and the queen did her best with puzzles, quizzes, and difficult questions. But the king solved all the problems perfectly.

    On the last day of her visit' the queen came up with another plan. She ordered the workers to produce ninety—ninefake flowers, but looking so real and natural. When finished' even the queen could not tell they were fake. She was sure the King would make the same mistake. And from the King's garden' she took just one real flower and cleverly hid it among all the others.

    The queen then challenged the king, "My workers created many beautiful flowers. Ninety—nine are fake' but one is real somewhere. Can you find that one?"

    The King accepted the challenge again. He smelled the flowers' but they were all so sweet, and all so beautiful. Now which one could the real flower be? The King became a bit nervous. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound. Something was there flying around. It was the tiny little bee he saved many days before. "I am here to repay the kindness you gave me' Sir. "

    The little bee quickly flew over the flowers and stopped on the real one. The King picked the flower and handed it to the queen.

    Finally, the queen had to give up and told everyone the king was truly the wisest man in the world.
