组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When our seventeen﹣year﹣old cat, Tigger died, it was very1 for both us, but particularly for my husband, Scott. Tigger was his baby and he472her terribly. After several months of3 , Scott was ready to have a new kitten.

    We visited a local shelter and Scott picked up a tiny, scrawny骨瘦如柴的grey kitten who4only 2.6 pounds. As he held her, not only did she start purring, she tried climbing onto his shoulder, exactly like Tigger used to do. This tiny angel 5Scott's heart, and Simba came home with us.

    Unfortunately, Simba had just about every disease in the book. Needless to say, Simba got to be a/an 6kitty very quickly.

    We could have counted the money we spent on Simba and complained about it. Instead, we focused on the blessings and 7she brought to our home.

    Next time you open your 8to complain about something, see if you can find one good thing about the situation. 9your thanks for it, even if it's in your head of course, it's better out loud. By changing your focus you will discover that you can 10find something good, even if it is just a tiny, scrawny little thing.
